OEM & Contract Services
Our Quality, Your Way
OEM & Contract Services
By specializing in high-quality, American-made products, Cole-TAC can bring your ideas to life. With our modern manufacturing equipment, an engineering mindset and approach, along with our attention to detail, you can always trust our exceptional processes. Our versatile services include contract cutting, subassembly manufacturing, and complete production. With low minimums and fast turnaround times, we can provide the parts you desire within the timeline you require. We are proudly returning manufacturing to the USA in our state-of-the-art South Dakota and New Hampshire facilities. Contact us today and let’s explore how we can best partner for your soft good needs.
Contract Cutting
With our automated fabric-cutting CNC machines, we can precisely cut and mark your patterns. Our system can maximize your material utilization and provide a level of accuracy unmatched by manual cutting methods. Clean and accurate pieces produce better products with increased quality and higher efficiency. Placement marks eliminate the need for manual measuring or inaccurate guessing. You may choose to have your products cut from our in-stock fabrics, or you may ship your materials to us for cutting. Contact us today to see how we can make your cutting needs more efficient and streamlined.
High Speed Precision Manufacturing
Please contact us to obtain any additional information about our facilities, staff, and equipment or to get your first production
run in the works. Thank you for your time and consideration in choosing Cole-TAC.