Serious Gear for Serious Shooters

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Custom Suppressor Sizing

Measuring tips and common sizes chart.


This question is quite common, and Cole-TAC wants to help you select the perfect suppressor cover for your needs. The answer is relatively straightforward; under most circumstances, the size is simply the length and diameter you measure on your can.

Please understand that all our covers are custom-made to the dimensions you give us. For the most popular suppressor brands, we have either measured the suppressors ourselves, or we have manufactured the covers and tested the sizing. You can check out our common suppressor sizing chart below for those measurements.

For some of the less popular suppressor brands or Form 1 suppressors, it is critical that you actually measure the suppressor. Occasionally, we have found that the size listed on a suppressor website does not accurately match the suppressor. With all of our covers and their strap systems, a window exists where some error is allowed, but please give the most accurate measurements for the best possible fit.

When measuring for your suppressor cover, consider whether or not you would like the quick-detach area of your suppressor exposed.

As you can see in this example, the QD mount is exposed. We find it helpful to leave it exposed as it allows the user to remove and replace the suppressor without removing the cover.

If you prefer your suppressor cover to extend over the QD mount, please be sure to include it when you measure before ordering.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions on sizing. We have had some crazy requests, and we love the challenge.


This list includes the suppressor sizes that we manufacture regularly. If you do not see your suppressor on this list, please contact us, since we may already have your suppressor’s dimensions.

Click here to download a printable PDF of the suppressor sizing chart.

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